Yupe, since English is my L2, I should keep it maintained well. On the other side I have my beloved children who are studying English at their school. I've realized since long time ago that actually by helping them with their homework from the school and with their practice, I also help my self in maintaining my L2. So why don't people who have English as L2, take the opportunity to teach or help their children at home as one of the way to develop their own language. And of course our children will thank us very much even they don't usually say so.
Good luck...
Ayo gabung di Pusbahasa@yahoogroups.com, keuntungannya bisa bagi informasi yg bersifat konfidensial, internal komunitas yang tidak bisa begitu saja dapat di publikasikan via web blog. Buruan bergabung tunggu apa lagi. Untuk link register klik di www.Klampokidz.wordpress.com.
Kpt. Krisna
thank 4 the info sir. I'll check it out
that's a good opinion sir, English as L2 is important enough 2 support our daily activity and we should maintain it, we can start 2 maintain it from own little family
1sgt Sigit R
KIBI Refresher 08 / "F" Class
hi Mr. Sigit, thanks 4 visiting, how's the life? pass my regard 2 friends,
I do agree with your view of point of maintaining our English. Teaching n tutoring our own children is a kind of implementing our great affection 2 our children.
Best regard
yr MELT classmate
Teguh - Indonesian Navy
yeah dats a great advice.i would say iam already doing so since when my son was born 2 yrs ago.i speak to him in english mostly...and yes i wud proudly say he understands it and hav started speaking it too since when he started to speak.it has brought many improvements to me too as i try to be correct in every aspect so i stay connected wid online dictionaries and other stuff all the time.and i know how much i have gained in these last two years.but i believe its not about english only ... u shud teach ur lil ones all dat u know.he is being taught his native language too...and if i knew any other languages i wud definitley teach him.
great advice
Super blog and nice to read.
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