airhead: stupid person.
ace: excellent, great.
Adam and Eve - Rhyming Slang for 'believe'
aggro - short for aggravation or violence
amber fluid : beer
anorak - geek, nerd.
apples and pears - Rhyming Slang for 'stairs'.
armpit: dirty, unappealing place.
arse / ass [slightly offensive] (1): backside.
arse / ass (2): an unworthy person.
arse about/arsing about - to fool around
arse-about-face: something that is in a mess or crooked
arseholed: very drunk
arvo : afternoon
Aussie : Australian
awesome: great and impressive.
backhander (1): a payment given, normally in a secretive fashion.
backhander (2): hit someone.
ball (1): a fun time.
ball [slightly offensive] (2): a testicle.
ballistic - to go mad with rage
bang [slightly offensive](1): to make love
bang (2): a powerful effect.
banged up - to be put in prison.
bangers - another name for sausages.
barbie : barbecue, grill.
barf (1): vomit.
barmy - a foolish person, mad.
barney - row, violent argument.
beans: money.
beast [offensive] - an ugly woman.
beat: tired.
beemer: a BMW.
bent (1): a 'gay man'
bent (2): 'stolen'.
biggie: something important.
biker: a motorcycle rider.
bikkie : biscuit
bimbo - a young woman considered sexually attractive but of limited intelligence.
bird - woman/girl/girlfriend
bitch [offensive] (1): a very unpleasant woman.
bitch [offensive] (2): complain.
bitchy [slightly offensive]: moody.
bitzer : mongrel dog (bits of this and bits of that!).
bladdered - very drunk
blag - a robbery
bloke - man
blotto - 'very drunk'
blue (1) - XXX; dirty, hot, steamy, pornographic
blue (2): domestic fight or row.
bluey - pornographic film
boat race - Rhyming Slang for 'face'.
bod: body.
bonkers; go bonkers: crazy.
bonzer : great.
booboo: a mistake.
bovver - trouble, usually fighting.
booze: alcohol.
boozer (1): a pub
boozer (2): someone who likes alcohol.
Brahms and Liszt - Rhyming Slang for 'pissed' (drunk).
brass monkeys - cold weather
bread: money.
brew (1): tea or coffee.
brew (2): beer.
brill - short for 'brilliant'.
bull: bullshit; lie.
bullshit [offensive]: lie; dishonesty.
bugger - a mild form of abuse or an exclamation.
bunk-off - to be absent without permission
bunk-up - to make love.
bushed: extremely tired.
butt: the buttocks, bottom.
cabbage - someone who is a bit slow or stupid
cakehole - mouth..
catch some rays: get some sunshine.
char / cha - tea.
cheesy: cheap; lacking in good taste.
chicken: coward.
chook : a chicken
chuck up: vomit
chuck a sickie : take the day off sick from work when you're perfectly healthy.
ciggy - slang for cigarette.
cock and bull story - a rubbish story, nonsense.
(to) cop it - to die, to get into trouble.
cool: excellent; superb.
cooler, the: gaol; jail; prison
couch potato: a person who watches too much television.
cozzie : swimming costume
cranky : in a bad mood, angry.
crap [slightly offensive] (1): something worthless.
crap [offensive] (2): excrement.
crap [slightly offensive] (3): falsehoods and lies.
crikey - an expression of astonishment.
crust - money / wage.
cushy - easy.
dead cert - something that is definite.
deck: to hit someone.
dicey: unpredictable; risky.
dickhead [slightly offensive] - an idiot, fool.
dill : an idiot.
ding-dong - argument or fight.
dipstick - idiot, fool.
dirt: extremely bad person.
dirty: offensive; pornographic.
div/divvy - stupid or slow person.
doodle - something thats easy / no problem.
dodgy - dubious person or thing.
dog [offensive] - an ugly girl.
done over - beaten up
dope - a slow or stupid person.
doobry - a nonsensical word used when you forget the name of something
dorky: strange; peculiar.
dosh - money.
dosser - down-and-out, tramp.
down under : Australia and New Zealand.
Drongo : a dope, stupid person.
dude: a male.
dump [slightly offensive] - to defecate.
dyke [offensive] - lesbian.
dynamite: powerful; excellent.
dinosaur: something out of date or old fashioned.
earbashing : nagging, non-stop chatter.
evil: great; excellent.
eyeball: to stare long and hard at someone or something.
eyepopper: something or someone visibly astounding.
fab: fabulous.
face-off: confrontation.
fag [offensive] (1): homosexual
fag (2): cigarette
family jewels - Rhyming Slang for testicles.
far out - splendid.
fart [offensive] (1): an escape of gas from the bowels.
fart [slightly offensive] (2): an unpleasant person
fat head - an idiot or dull person.
fender-bender: small accident.
filth [offensive] - the police.
fit - sexually attractive.
five finger discount - shoplifting.
flaky: unpredictable.
flashback: sudden memory.
flick (1): film; movie.
flick (2): to give something or somebody the flick is to get rid of it or him/her
floating : intoxicated
floozie - a mistress or girlfriend.
flommox - confuse
flutter - a bet (on horse racing or football)
footie - Abbreviated form for football.
for crying out loud ! - a expression of frustration or anger.
forty winks - a short sleep or nap.
fox: attractive, alluring person.
freebie: something that does not cost money.
French kiss : kissing with the tongue.
full monty - 'the whole lot', everything.
full-on - powerful, with maximum effort.
funny farm - mental hospital or institution.
funny money - counterfeit money.
gaff - house or flat.
gander - to look at.
geek: an unattractive person who works too hard.
get it: to understand something.
glitch: flaw.
gobshite [offensive] - someone who talks rubbish all the time.
go bananas: go slightly mad.
good onya : good for you, well done
goof (1): make a mistake.
goof (2): a silly and foolish person.
goof off: waste time.
goof up: make a mistake.
goofy: silly.
Gordon Bennet - an exclamation.
grand: one thousand dollars.
grass: marijuana.
greaser - slang name for a 1950's style man.
grog : alcohol, beer.
grub: food.
grubby: not clean.
grungy: unclean and stinky.
gut: a person's stomach; belly.
guts: courage.
gyno - gynaecologist
hacked off - fed up, annoyed.
hairy: difficult; dangerous.
ham-fisted - clumsy.
hammered - drunk.
handcuffs: an engagement ring or wedding ring
hang a left: make a left turn.
hang a right: make a right turn.
headcase - mad
hep: sensible; informed.
her ('er) indoors - wife, girlfriend.
hickey: a love bite on the skin.
hip: sensible; informed.
hole in the wall - a cashpoint machine or bankomat.
hoo-ha - trouble; commotion.
hooker: prostitute.
horny: in the mood for sex, sexually stimulated;.
hot (1): sexy.
hot (2):popular.
hottie : hot water bottle
huff - bad mood.
humungous: really big.
hump (1) - to have sex.
hump (2) - bad mood.
hyper: overly excited.
icky: unpleasant.
I.D.: identification.
iffy - dubious, doubtful.
I'm outta here: I'm leaving; I'm departing.
in: fashionable.
ivories: teeth.
jack around: waste time.
jam (1): trouble.
jam (2): improvise (musically).
jamming, to be : going well.
jammy - lucky.
jerk: stupid or annoying person.
jock: someone good at sports.
K : a thousand.
keep your hair on - "keep calm".
kick back: relax and enjoy.
kick the bucket: die.
kip - sleep.
knackered - exhausted.
knees up - party.
knock: condemn, criticise.
knockout: beautiful woman; handsome man.
knock back : refusal (noun), refuse (transitive verb)
kook: peculiar person.
kraut [slightly offensive] - German
laid back: relaxed; calm.
lairy - loud, brash.
lame: incompetent.
legless - very drunk.
limp wristed - a gay man.
lip: cheeky talk.
loaded - someone with a lot of money.
loo : toilet
loser: a bungling and worthless person.
lost the plot - crazy/mad.
love handles: excess fat around the waist.
luvverly jubberly - wonderful, great, all is well.
make waves: cause problems.
malarkey - nonsense.
mate - friend
max, to the : maximum.
mega: big.
megabucks: a large amount of money.
mellow: relaxed.
mickey-mouse: unimportant; time-wasting.
minger [offensive] - an unattractive person (usually female).
mongrel : despicable person
moonie [offensive!] - to show one's bottom (arse) to unsuspecting onlookers.
moose [offensive] - an ugly girl.
mozzie : mosquito
mug : a gullible person.
naff - something which is cheap and nasty.
naff off - a milder version off fu*k off.
nancy (nancy boy) - a homosexual.
nark - a police informer.
narked - to be annoyed.
neat: cool; great.
nick - to steal.
nipper - a small child.
no-hoper - somebody who'll never do well
nosh - food.
not cricket - not normal or correct.
not all there - someone who is stupid, not bright intellectually
not half! - cetainly, for sure.
not the full quid - someone who is stupid, not bright intellectually.
nuke (1): nuclear weapon.
nuke (2): destroy; delete.
nuke (3): cook something in the microwave oven.
nut (1): odd or crazy person.
nut (2): someone passionate about something.
nutter - crazy person.
nuts [slightly offensive]: testicles.
nutty - eccentric.
off your face - to be very drunk.
out of your tree - crazy, drunk or stoned.
pad: someone's home.
pants (1) - an exclamation of frustration.
pants (2) - bad or rubbish.
party: celebrate.
party animal: someone that loves parties.
paws: hands.
peanuts: very little money.
pee: to urinate.
pickled: drunk.
pig out: eat too much.
pigs ear: to make a mistake with something.
piss [slightly offensive] - to urinate.
pissed - drunk.
pissed (off): angry; upset.
piss-head - a habitual drinker or alcoholic.
piss-up - a big drinking session.
plank - an idiot.
plastered: drunk.
plonker - an idiot
pad: someone's home.
plonk (1) : cheap wine
plonk (2): sit down - as in "plonk your arse down there".
poop [offensive]: defecation; shit.
poop out: get tired and quit.
postie : postman
pot: marijuana.
prezzy : present, gift
pro - someone who's good at something; professional.
psycho: crazy person.
puke: vomit.
pumped (up): excited.
queer [slightly offensive] - a homosexual.
rabbit - talk.
racket (1): noise.
racket (2): an occupation.
racket (3): something that's dishonest or deceptive.
rat: a despicable person.
rat-arsed - drunk.
rear (end): buttocks.
(a) riot - something or someone very funny.
rip off (1): stealing.
rip off (2): fraud.
ripper : great, fantastic
rocking: great; excellent.
roll up - a hand rolled cigarette.
rosie lee - tea
rubbish: nonsense; not true.
ruck - a fight.
rug - wig, toupee.
rug rat: a child.
rum - odd, strange.
runs, the: diarrhoea.
scoff: to eat.
screw up: to make a mistake.
screw-up: a person who makes a mistake.
scum (offensive] - a despicable individual.
shades - sunglasses.
shag [slightly offensive] - to make love.
shagged-out - to feel tired.
shed-load - a huge amount.
shite - milder variation of the word shit.
shitfaced [slightly offensive] - very drunk.
shithead [slightly offensive]: a stupid, impolite person.
skint - to have no money
skosh - a little bit.
slapper [offensive] - a loose or easy woman.
smeghead - an idiot.
snog - to kiss
snookered: cheated, stuck.
solid (1): really good; cool.
solid (2): consecutive.
specs: eyeglasses.
split: to leave.
spunk [offensive] (1): semen
spunk (2): spirit.
spunk (3): an attractive man.
stoned: drunk from drugs or alcohol.
stunner - a very good looking woman.
street smart: knowledgeable about city life.
strewth : exclamation
(I'll be) stuffed : expression of surprise
suck: to be bad and unacceptable.
sunnies : sunglasses
swagman : tramp
sweet - excellent, cool.
ta - thanks.
tacky - something of poor taste or style.
tanked (up) - to get very drunk.
tea leaf - Rhyming Slang for thief.
telly - television.
thick as shit [offensive]- very stupid.
thick as two short planks [offensive] - very stupid.
thingo : Wadjamacallit, thingummy, whatsit, something you don't know the name of!
thou: thousand.
threads: clothing.
ticker (1): the heart.
ticker (2): a watch.
tiddly - slightly drunk.
toss-pot [slightly offensive] - idiot.
totally: really; completely.
to the max: maximum.
troll - an ugly girl.
(the) trots - diarrhoea.
trouble and strife - Rhyming Slang for 'wife'.
trout [offensive] - unattractive woman
turkey (1): failure; flop.
turkey (2): dumb person.
turn-off: something that repulses a person.
umpteen: many; countless.
up for it - to be willing to have a good time.
up the duff - to be pregnant.
Uncle Tom Cobley and all - a phrase meaning 'everyone'.
uptight: nervous; anxious.
veg out : relax in front of the TV (like a vegetable)
wad: a lot of money.
wanker - an idiot or an unpleasant person.
wasted: killed.
weed (1): marijuana.
weed (2): someone who is weak.
wheels: car; motorcycle.
whiz: someone who shows a special talent for something.
wicked - excellent, cool.
wimp: weak; feeble.
wimpy: weak.
wind up - to tease.
winks: sleep.
wuss : coward
x-rated - pornographic.
yabber : talk (a lot)
Yank: an American.
yob - a horrible or uncouth young man.
zeds - sleep.
zero - an unimportant person.
zilch - nothing
zip (1) -nothing.
zip (2) - energy; vigor.
zip it - shut up.
zit: pimple; acne.
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The general difficulties of women's and men's style
Both men and women could feel the pressures of keeping their wardrobe up-to-date and in season, yet men's style frequently seems a lot easier. Of program, for both genders, garments and fashion choices could be just as intricate, and there are lots of'fashionable'items that could easily become fashion faux pas - who is able to say they often times see people walking around in 70s flames? On the other hand, men's style includes a few staple goods that will exist forever - which man is planning to watch out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for instance? Pick basic cuts, colours and fabrics and you'll never look out-of-place.
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The traditional man's suit has hardly changed for over a hundred years. True, there are numerous varieties for different functions, but they are all popular in their search for a wise, sharp search for the individual. The great thing about traditional style for men is that it is effortlessly fashionable simply neat. A well-groomed gentleman will more often than not look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this can be a testament to the style of such apparel. A suit will be worn to work in many professions because of the professional search it affords to the person, instilling a sense of respect and trust. Equally a suit will be worn to several social functions, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This extraordinary versatility that enables matches to be worn in just about all functions is what gives it its classic side and a permanent devote men's fashion.
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In summary, although specific facets of classic men's style may be brought back as new movements, the simple outfits that they derive from will never slip out of fashion.
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